Tag Archives: branding

How big is your digital stack? – LOB 074

How big is your digital stack? What do people say about you when you leave the room? Finding the special “P1” customer. What are nonprofits willing to pay you when you give them ROI? The difference between regular marketing and digital marketing.

The Language of Business looks at digital marketing.  Greg Stoller talks with Anita Breardon, Co-founder of Cabinet M; Dan Sullivan, CEO of Crowdley; Julia Campbell, CEO of JC Social Marketing;


Re-branding. Wayfair. ZipCar. Radio on the weekend. 130 year-old firefighter gear – LOB 017

Re-branding everything from ZipCar to Wayfair to weekends on the radio. Re-branding digital medical records so they are more accessible. Re-branding 130 year-old protective firefighting gear as athletic wear for firefighters. Greg Stoller talks with logo specialist Melanie Lowe, owner of Power M Space Design; John Garabedian, Hall-of-Fame radio Talent and owner of CodCom Broadcasting; John Gobron, President of Aventura Awareness Computing; Rob Freese, Senior VP Marketing, Global Manufacturing, makers of protective firefighting gear for 130 years.