Monthly Archives: October 2021

Fewer employees but they’re getting more done…and the difficulty retaining health care workers – LOB 219

Emergency Rooms are backed up. But retaining health care workers isn’t easy.

A business and entrepreneur consulting firm has fewer people doing business with more clients since the pandemic began. It’s all about relationships. But…they need more people, too.

The Language of Business looks at….Host Greg Stoller talks with Steve Snyder, Partner and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Gesmer Updegrove and Christine Schuster, President and CEO of Emerson Hospital in Concord.

Host Greg Stoller

Steve Snyder

Christine Schuster

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Job hunting post-graduation when your senior year was virtual – LOB 218

Its tough recruiting people for jobs in the field of higher education. It’s even tougher looking for a job when you’ve just graduated…but you spent your entire senior year as a virtual student.

The Language of Business looks at the new normal process of recruiting and job hunting. Host Host Greg Stoller talks with Meredith Siegel, Associate Dean, Graduate Admissions & MBA Student Experience at Boston University Questrom School of Business and Rodrigo Contreras, recent graduate of Boston University and new to the job market.

Host Greg Stoller

Meredith Siegel

Rodrigo Contreras

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We’re hiring, but no one is applying – LOB 217

You don’t have to look far to see a “We’re hiring” sign. But nobody’s applying for the jobs. A local restaurant owner who was a champion on the Food Network Cutthroat Kitchen couldn’t find anyone to work at his restaurant…so he gave up looking. A local school bus company found themselves short of the needed number of drivers so they turned to the National Guard for help.

The Language of Business looks at the dynamic of lots of job openings and few applicants. Host Greg Stoller talks with Chef Mike Fucci of Chef Mike’s Catering in Needham MA and Timothy Sheehan, Senior Vice President of Operations at Beacon Mobility about the difficulty of finding people willing to fill open job positions.

Host Greg Stoller

Chef Mike Fucci

Timothy Sheehan

Support for The Language of Business is from

What is blockchain? What’s an NFT? – LOB 216

There are lots of questions about Blockchain. What is it? How does it work? How does to differ from NFT’s? Or ledger technologies? How will it disrupt every business?

The Language of Business looks at blockchain disruption and the legal and illegal aspects. Host Greg Stoller talks with Ray Dogum, Podcaster at Health Unchained and Consultant at Consensys Health, and Primavera de Filippi, Researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research in Paris.

Host Greg Stoller


Ray Dogum


Primavera de Filippi


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